Surely you are already familiar with FIFA, one of the best football simulations ever. Electronic Arts did not disappoint us this time either with the new release of FIFA 23. I’m also sure that you will need Free FIFA Coins so that’s what we’re going to talk about today. 

Coins as well as points can be used to buy players, which is one of the most important aspects of this game. If you are interested in more about FIFA 23, stay here and find out what my first impressions of this game are and what you can expect. 

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Exactly one year after the release of FIFA 22, we were greeted by a new version of this great game. FIFA 23 contains a lot of parts from previous versions, which is expected, the essence never changes. Unfortunately for many, FIFA 23 is not free to play, even though many wished it to be free. The standard edition for consoles costs $59.99. The question is, is it worth it? 

FIFA 23 New Features  

For that money, fans expected big changes, but as I said, most things remained the same. The developers worked mostly on the HyperMotion2 engine. The movement of the players has been improved, the tricks, everything is much more realistic. Every move, turn and jump look more realistic than ever. 

This update is most noticeable when you play the most popular players who have their own recognizable style of play. So, in my opinion, it is a great improvement. Each player has his own style of movement, which adds a lot to the greater experience. 

The most important part is of course the gameplay. Passing the ball is more difficult than in the previous version. This is where you will notice who plays well and who plays badly. Also, there is a big change in the set pieces. The player now have full control over corners, penalties and free kicks. 

They also introduced new power shots. Power shots allow you to achieve great results, but at the risk of losing the ball. It’s worth a try, if you know what you’re doing. 

Free FIFA Coins
Image Credit: Steam

As for the career mode, unfortunately, not much has changed. But still, they added new top managers, so now you have more choices. Instead of creating a new manager, you can play with a real manager. A transfer analysis was also included, which enables a better and safer purchase of players. 

Although it is much less popular than the career mode, there are also improvements in the player career. To begin with, you need to collect personality points, which you get by performing certain actions. You can use these points for attributes you want to add to the player, such as reaction, vision, volleys, ball control and others. 

Chemistry system – one of the biggest changes that has come to us in FIFA 23. The chemistry between your players depends on many factors, such as nationality, clubs and leagues. You will get a chemistry boost if the players in the team have these three traits in common. This also means that you will get a boost in your player stats. Although, of course, if the players do not have chemistry between them, you will normally be able to play only with lower abilities. 

Free FIFA Coins
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As for the World Cup, the women’s team is available, so you can play that too if you want. And we are also waiting for more updates regarding the World Cup in winterAs for the graphics and options that you can change, they mostly remain the same. 

The unnecessary thing, in my opinion, that they put in is the details in the audience. If you listen carefully, you can hear the loudspeaker calling someone from the audience. They probably wanted everything to look more realistic, but in my opinion, it was completely unnecessary. You will notice more cinematics, details around the stadium and the audience itself. 

Now we come to another problem: microtransactions. As you probably already know, FIFA points and coins are the premium currency which you use in the in-game store. All resources are used in the Ultimate Team Game mode and they are really a great option when you want to buy a new player that not everyone has. But of course, not everything is as great as it seems.  

You can’t get points and coins without paying money, and many people don’t want to do that. Maybe they are still young and don’t have their own money or they simply want to get into other things. I totally understand why someone doesn’t want to pay for these microtransactions.  

For $4.99 you get 500 points, which is a really low amount if you ask me. But there is a way to get much more without investing in anything. 

How to get FIFA 23 Free Coins & Points 

As I already told you, the points you buy with your money are not worth it at all. You will need a whole fortune if you want to be able to buy anything you want in the game. FIFA is somewhat famous for microtransactions and everyone knows that they make a lot of money from it. 

That’s why I recommend you a generator for free FIFA coins. With one click, you can get up to a million coins and 200,000 points. It sounds unbelievable, but it’s true. And actually, the whole process is very easy and the generator is easy to use. 

Based on my review, you can conclude whether FIFA 23 is the game for you or not. I definitely recommend it, especially if you have played previous versions. Be sure to use the generator when you start playing, because that way you will enjoy it even more.