In this opening chapter of The Worldsoul Saga™, you’ll journey through never-before-seen subterranean worlds filled with hidden wonders and lurking perils, down to the dark depths of the Nerubian empire, where the inscrutable Harbinger of the Void has gathered her arachnid forces to bring Azeroth to its knees.
Access to World of Warcraft: The War Within² Enhanced Level 70 Character Boost Trader’s Tender⁵ Algarian Stormrider mount with Skyriding and access to special racecourses Upgradable Stormrider’s Attire Transmog set with 3 additional earnable color options. Early Access to World of Warcraft: The War Within⁴ Beta Access to World of Warcraft: The War Within⁴ 30 Days of Game Time Squally, the Storm Hatchling pet, with 3 additional sibling pets to collect. Sandbox Storm Gryphon Toy Deepdweller's Earthen Hearthstone effect